Neil D Paris

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Pluto enters Cycle 11

Pluto - lord of exposing and purging toxins, of massive and inescapable change and necesssary transformations, of dark recesses and shadowy secrets, of passionate purpose and amazing Phoenix-like rebirths, redirections and reinventions - moves into Aquarius (Cycle 11) on March 23 2023 until June 11. Due to its repeated retrogrades, it will sneak back into Cycle 10 and eventually enter Aquarius once more from Jan 20 2024 - Sep 1.

Then again from Nov 19 2024 all the way through to March 9 2043.

All alive on the planet will be subject to Pluto’s vaster powers of change, (the metamorphosis of death and rebirth, of exposing and purging that which is damaging to the Whole). How we will individually fare depends on how Pluto lines up in our own Birth Charts, to see the extent to which we personally will be swept up in the scheduled changes.

These are my ideas (so far) on what Pluto in Aquarius/Cycle 11 is likely to bring:

The rise of the robots: Powerful technology and tech companies gaining extraordinary powers (nanotechnology, human synthetics, prevalence of holograms or robotics). The subsequent pitfalls of relying so heavily on technology at the expense of the human.

The integration/infiltration of technology and the human body. .

Cyber attacks and online terrorism. Identity theft. Data breaches and leaks.

Digital currency - the amassing of more power in the cyber world. Online gambling and Offshore accounts, exposing where vast wealth is being funneled

The depth and insidiousness of social media (and ‘big brother’) surveillance and the uprising, push back and fallout that follows.

DNA-cataloguing and patents pending on a fresher interface of the human body with a variety of technologies. Could we become connected to a central hub? Can the human species be modified, copyrighted or become a form of Intellectual Property?

Social purging: Underworld groups - fringe elements ostracized and forced to operate “DL” (down-low). Powerful and extreme Gang activity, branches, fraternities/sororities, covens and new powerful cults. The forming and dismantling of these major gangs, cartels and mafia.

Renewable energy in communities

Virtual reality sex

Public executions: to intimidate, coerce, scare

The Dark Web and it’s contents; snuff movies, live streamed deaths, sexual deviancy

Online pornography and deeper studies on its social effects

Sweeping Social Reform - major parts of communities cut off, wiped out, shut down, disconnected - whether by Nature or War

The dismantling of external power lines and power grids across the planet in favor or newer, hidden technologies and sources of power and methods of delivery

Powerful uniting and coming together of society after a splintered and fractured past - banding together to face a common threat

Exposing and dismantling Social Hate through new laws and practices

The fall of high-profile social media companies many thought would be around forever

A growing dissatisfaction and Mass-Disconnecting from online obsession.

Freedom, Human Rights and the forces that seek to control or enslave humanity and the power of The Group to take down the enemy

An unavoidable look at the future of nuclear power

The onslaught of widespread social control - further pushes for microchipping, DNA ID cards, personal info connected to vaster technology and databanks

Data-mining and invasions of privacy

Greater reliance on and a more powerfully capable AI (Artificial Intelligence)

The discussion of Friends/enemies & frenemies - the concept that some keep their enemies closer

Major chunks of civilization or society decimated (or disappear) which divides many, but also inadvertently brings those left more Unity

Some major websites and tech companies bankrupt or shut down - and the mega-mergers of companies with a global reach.

Greater discussion on time travel, wormholes, stargates, portals, parallel worlds and dimensions, teleportation, faster transportation

Technological sabotage - internet outages and power grid attacks to control and manipulate

An in-depth look at Asexuality and perhaps a growing trend towards abstinence

A deeper dive into Secret Societies

Ditching of labels - after a period of separation and segregation (using labels to allegedly offer inclusion), a coming together under One Banner, instead of divisive names and terms.

More people “going off the grid”

Freedom or Bust - the price some will pay and the extent they will go to, to remain free and uncorrupted by the system in play

Suicide Groups - like-minds seeking a way out together.

More talk about the Matrix and discussions about ‘reality simulation’ as science and technology taps into greater truths

Double agents - foes become friends but friends can become foe. Those in powerful places could experience massive reversals of fortune due to moles, spies etc. Whom do the untrustworthy trust?

We get true friends we need to facilitate necessary major soul growth - switching allegiance and loyalties, some reversals, those dedicated to Evil now pursuing the Light, some we thought were angels turn out to be demons.

Further collapse of current civilization to be rebuilt with more freedom of self-expression, movement, and equality

As we wrap up 2022 and the tail-end of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction theme, these are my thoughts on Pluto in Aquarius but as the months unfold, I will write further on this.

Retaining our humanity in a technology-driven world will be key to a better future for all humans.