Lunar Eclipse Cycle 9


Lunar Eclipse Cycle 9 [June 5]:  A Lunar (emotional) Eclipse (resets, revelations), given the current sensitive emotional climate out there will probably come as bad news to many, but there is always a brighter side, and in Sagittarius - the sign of optimism, the seeking and finding of the silver lining, the pursuit of Knowledge and a truth and Freedom, and having and holding Faith - all emotions should lead us ultimately to one of these: Optimism for Betterment and Faith to carry us through.

Lunar eclipses are emotional revelations - the lunar light is momentarily gone. When a light goes off, it’s the moment it ‘comes back on’ that is the most important and significant because it is that monetary loss, that we realize what we Had over Have and what we Need over Want. It resets our emotional compass or GPS.

Many will feel itchy to Leave, take off, go somewhere, likely far from where they find themselves at the time of the Eclipse and in the weeks and months following.

Sagittarius is the ‘cross cultural, cross continental, cross cities and state and border’ sign. Being trapped is the antithesis of this eclipse. 

Squared by Mars in Cycle 12, the emotional revelations involve a huge backlog of anger, impatient, irritability, Aggression, of trapped desires or an inability to have or get what we want, a sort of fading away or the taking of something from us, like the sands of time and the sandcastles at the beach eroded by each wave.  We must let go of the anger at what befell is, if we are to reach the New Heights and travel further on this adventure.

Emotional eruptions. On campus. Halls of education. In churches. Across the globe. These are Sagittarius areas. This is Already happening. Cultures uniting under an emotional umbrella - we feel THIS. We want freedom FROM this and Freedom TO do That. There will be many soapboxes and many loud voices and opinions.

And many humorous moments made out of this. 

Where do we went to go next? Knowledge wise. Experience wise. Location wise. Philosophically and political. The Changing of the guard continues - a shift of opinion , switching sides or stepping out of the polarity and duality game.

Weather wise, eclipse times are always times of radical weather. I have witnessed this over the years so like clockwork this Eclipse cycle is likely to bring Wildfires (Sag is mutable fire) or the eruptions of multiple fires in multiple places simultaneously. This also denotes the Spread of ideas FASTER THAN EVER. One thing is certain around a lunar eclipse - EMOTIONS ARE CONTAGIOUS. Chose which ones to ignite and burn brighter with. 

Be a beacon of ——— whatever emotion you choose. An ambassador. A representative.

Truth. Emotional truth. Don’t kid yourself any longer. Face how You feel. And then decide what to do about it. Let the emotions fuel the direction and new destination.

Neil D Paris